TAF Length Calibration Laboratory

Certificate of Accreditation


As a result of the growing popularity of outsourcing the manufacturing of certain components, the finished products need to be tested and measured for accuracy. These measured results must be traceable to known standards such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). Hence, the type of equipment used and their calibration becomes very important. Leading automotive, industrial, and aerospace manufacturers are rigorously enforcing traceability not only among their sub-contractors but also along the supply chain. These developments in the manufacturing industry are acting as strong propellants of growth in the world non-contact measurement equipment market. In order to offer the Total-solution to our customer, we set up the length of calibration laboratory in 2006 and offer the calibration of profile projector and video measurement system .

This is to certify that
Arcs Precision Technology Co.,Ltd.
Length of calibration Laboratory
No.69-1, Sioujhong St., Sioushuei Township, Changhua Country 504,Taiwan (R.O.C)
is accredited in respect of laboratory
Accreditation Criteria : ISO / IEC 17025:2017; CNS 17025:2018
Accreditation Number : 1548
Originally Accredited : January 18,2006
Effective Period : April.10, 2024 to April.09, 2027
Accredited Scope : Calibration Field, see described in the Appendix.
Calibration items : Profile projector , Video measurement system.

Dimensional Measurement Lab.

(from https://www.nml.org.tw )

The Dimensional Measurement Laboratory (DML) provides traceability of dimensional standards for domestic industry. The laboratory has established a variety of measurement systems categorized as end standard, scale, angle, and topography, used for the calibration of laser frequency and dimension related artifact standards. It provides calibration services for stabilized laser frequency, long and short gauge blocks, ring gauges, plug gauges, line scales, polygons, index tables, roundness, roughness, step height, standard tapes, theodolites, electronic distance measuring instruments, interferometers, gratings, line width, thin film, GPS receivers,etc.
The advanced research includes: femtosecond laser and poptical frequency standard, nanometer(10-9m)range measuring technigues, micrometer(10-6m)range measuring techniques, and geodetic measurement standards More, the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) in Length (L) have been incorporated in BIPM’s key comparison database in February, 2004. It means DML’s capability has won international recognition.

Technical Services

Calibration and consultancy services for dimensional measurement
Consultancy service relating to the establishment of dimensional measurement laboratories and quality system
Development of Femtosecond laser for optical frequency
Automatic dimensional measurement system designing
Geodetic positions and geographical information system(GIS) application

Research Projects

Femtosecond laser for optical frequency metrology
Nanometrology standards
Line width standards for semiconductor industry
Thin film standards for semiconductor industry
Establishment of FPD parameters standards
Calibration techniques for Global Position System(GPS) receivers
Calibration techniques for absolute and relative gravimeters